The Puppy Tale Lodge Family
I, Roger Branco, creator of Puppy Tale Lodge, have been a professional groomer for years working in a variety of pet salons, understanding dogs even more and learning the ins and outs of managing a pet salon. There was a time when I worked at four pet salons per week, which allowed me to create a vast and diverse skill set, as well as nurture a deeper understanding of the dog needs and those of a grooming salon. I have participated in dog shows such as Westminster and Super Zoo and placed top in dog grooming competitions such as New England.
I am blessed to have my wife Connie as my partner by my side leading with me our own dog loving space on the Upper East Side in New York. We are very grateful to be able to actively contribute to the growth of this industry and the collective care and love for animals.

Reasoning behind the creation of Puppy Tale Lodge
Years ago, as a groomer, I decided that my life purpose would always be based on investing and creating only in those endeavors I am passionate about and truly believe in – like Dogs and their role in our lives.
My decision to open the store came from the desire to create a pet salon From Dog lovers To Dog lovers that truly love their pets. My intention is to prioritize a nurturing bond of love before the provision of any service. I am eternally grateful for dogs and their role in my life.
At Puppy Tale Lodge, we are here to serve and care for your furry best friends. We take care of those who take care of you.